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Writer's picture: Nesve YayalarNesve Yayalar

Hamstring muscles are group of three muscles behind the thigh, include biceps femoris (long head), semimembranosus, and semitendinosus. Their action is to flex the knee and extend the hip.

When stretching hamstrings, If you’re feeling a stretch and slight pain in your calf and/or foot, it is most likely coming from the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve, the largest and longest nerve in the body, branches from the lumbosacral plexus and goes down behind thigh, calf and the foot. Nerves can't be stretched- they glide within soft tissue (muscles, fascia, tendon). When there are restrictions in soft tissue, nerves don't glide and slide as they are supposed to. This can cause symptoms of numbness and tingling, and pain along the nerve and nearby area.

This stretch helps:

Lie on your back, place a strap band or a long towel under the foot. If your buttocks are coming off the floor, place a towel under low back to support. Hold the stretch with your knee as straight as possible, begin to point and flex your toes up to 1 min. This is also good for ankle mobility, and charlie's horse cramp.

Writer's picture: Nesve YayalarNesve Yayalar

Best exercise to strengthen the hip muscles: Bridge with band Place an elastic band between knees. Bend knees, keep feet flat on the floor. Relax your arms. Lift your buttocks off the floor using your buttocks and abdominal muscles, but not your back and arms. Hold at the top and push the kees out as you keep your back stable. The key is to lift and hold enough to feel your glutes. Repeat until you fatigue your buttocks muscles.

Writer's picture: Nesve YayalarNesve Yayalar

For Hip mobility, Core stability...

Start position: Lie on your back, open your arms out, palms up, relax your shoulder and neck. Bend knees and keep feet flat. Engage your abdominal muscles. Perform: Lift and rotate your leg from the hip as big as you can and stomp your foot (make sure to land with whole foot like shown). Engage your abdominal muscles during the entire exercise to keep your ribcage and spine stable. Make sure to exhale as you rotate your leg. Keep alternating your legs up to 1 min.


Turtle Rock

Irvine, CA 92612


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