Stability ball leg curl is a great exercise for core and hip stability. It's an advanced exercise, if you'd like to progress your regular bridge. If you are a runner or cyclist, ball leg curl would be a good addition to your conditioning workout. Ball leg curl helps to strengthen deep core muscles, hamstrings and glutes for muscular balance and strength. 1- Ball leg curl Place feet on the ball, relax arms on the floor. Slowly lift your buttocks off the floor using abdominal muscles. Once you stabilize the body, inhale to prepare and as you exhale, bring your legs toward your chest using your buttock muscles, not your low back. Flatten your feet on the ball as you lift. Inhale, hold 2 seconds and exhale slowly straighten your knees back to the start position. Make sure your movements are controlled by your abdominal and buttock muscles. Try not to push your arms into floor and tense your neck to lift your body. Movement should be smooth, controlled and slow. 2- Hold the bridge pose. Once you stabilize, begin to challenge your balance and stability by moving your arms different directions. Be creative with it to challenge your balance and stability, and have fun. For more challenge, close your eyes, and swing your arms. Make sure you use your glutes, hamstrings, and abdominals, but not your lower back. #Balllegcurl #stabilityball #corestability#hipstability #balance #muscularbalance#runners #athleticconditioning#hamstrings #gluteusmaximus#advancebridge #kneerehab#hamstringcurl #greatanatomyfitness#fitness #physicaltherapy #backpain#hippain #exercisetherapy #glutes#buttocks #runrehab#strengthandconditioning#hamstringworkout #personaltraining#gluteworkout #hiprehab
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Mar 24, 20191 min read
Bridge exercise variation/progressions: For Hip stability and strength, to improve posture and avoid lower back pain. Due to sedentary lifestyle, too much sitting or lack of engaging buttock muscles during exercise and sport activities, most people have weak hip muscles (gluteus medius, maximus, and deep 6 hip muscles). Single leg bridge is one of the best exercises to stabilize and strengthen hip musculature, as well abdominal muscles, if it's done correctly. If this is too hard, always start with simple bridge exercise where both feet on the floor. I posted this before. #singlelegbridge#hipstability #hipstrength #glutesstrength#corestability #hippain #lowbackpain#betterposture #gluteusmedius#gluteusmaximus #singlelegmarch #fitness#greatanatomyfitness #physicaltherapy#exercisetherapy #strongbutt#gluteworkout #hiprehab #corestability#fitness #physio #betterposture Single leg bridge march: hold the bridge pose, and raise alternating each foot only 1 or 2 inches off the floor without tilting and lowering your pelvis and low back. Go slow, try to hold each foot off the floor up to 3-5 seconds. For more challenge, hold each foot off the floor and do small pulsing movements as you keep pelvis and spine stable.
Mar 24, 20191 min read
One of the benefits of hip mobility: *Improved hip mobility will prevent overuse/injury of lower back. If you have tight hamstrings, you mostly likely have tight lower back, and lifting your legs above hips without straining your back is impossible; that means there is a problem. If you place a soft density foam roller under your sacrum, you will easily lift your legs above hips, and work on improving your hip mobility. Try these three movements to loosen up the hips (hip adductors, hamstrings) and you feel more released on lower back. Make sure to use a soft density foam roller. *Inhale to begin, and exhale slowly stretch your legs. Always go slow, wait for the release, and go with the breath, so that you don't overstretch. #hipmobility #backpain #backrelease#hippain #hiprelease #hipflexibility#innerthighstretch #foamroller#hamstringstretch #loosehip #tighthips#flexibility #mobility #legstretch #splitlegs#yoga #exercisetherapy #massagetherapy#selfcare #greatanatomyfitness#physicaltherapy #physio #hipadductors
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